The National Research Council (NRC) Research Press provides the following class files for the benefit of its authors: nrc1.cls is for single-column layouts nrc2.cls is for double-column journal layouts These are generated via the nrc.ins + nrc.dtx files. See the README file for details. The userguide is also available and should be downloaded in an appropriate format. AUTHORS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO REPLACE THEIR FORMER VERSIONS OF THE CLASS FILES WITH THESE NEW ONES. THE NEW USERGUIDE SHOULD ALSO BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED. The latest versions of all files have a great number of improvements and enhancements over the previous versions. Old version of nrc.dtx: 2000/07/26 v1.3j.7c New version of nrc.dtx: 2002/11/19 v2.0 Old version of nrc.ins: 2000/10/02 New version of nrc.ins: 2002/11/19 Old version of userguide: 21 NOV 2000 New version of userguide: 18 NOV 2002 ====================================================================== This note (AUTHORS.txt) focusses on author-specific elements in the userguide, and avoid common pitfalls. 1. UPDATING AND GENERATING NEW CLASS FILES Use the README file to generate the necessary class files and instructions on where they should be stored on your machine. Check CTAN periodically for updates in the directory: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/nrc 2. DOCUMENTATION The Userguide has two main components: information on creating and coding a file (sections 1 through 5), and additional information for in-house staff (from section 6 to the end). 3. CLASS OPTIONS There are no new options. However, there is a simplification of options for authors. The publicly available class files automatically activate author-specific codes, and de-activate in-house codes (the log file will provide information/warnings if the latter are accessed). It is no longer necessary to explicitly insert author-specific codes such as genTeX usecmfonts type1rest See section 2.1 for details. 4. ADDITIONAL PACKAGES Experience has shown that the following packages (all available from CTAN) are consistently used and provide the additional functionality authors (and the NRC Research Press) most often require: graphicx rotating amsmath amssymb bm cite babel As well, tables benefit from the additional options available in the array package. Any other packages which authors find helpful MUST accompany their submissions. This is particularly important where submissions are using old versions of packages --- production staff only have access to new versions on CTAN; should they have to acquire the additional (and latest) packages themselves, these may not always work in the same way as an older version. Of course, authors are encouraged to use current versions of all additional packages. Additional author-specific macros should be gathered together in the preamble area, after all other packages have been loaded. See section 3.2 for details. 5. MACROS a. New macros: - \IDnote (Section 4.1) - \PACS and \PACS* (for Physics) (Section 4.2) b. Revised macros: - \correspond (Section 4.1) - headings now to 5 levels (Section 4.3) c. Retired macros: - \AddressNote (Section 4.1)