Installing Debian Linux 2.0 For x86

              Bruce Perens, Sven Rudolph, Igor Grobman, James Treacy,
                                  Adam P. Harris

                                   23 June, 1998


                        Installing Debian Linux 2.0 For x86

              Bruce Perens, Sven Rudolph, Igor Grobman, James Treacy,
                                  Adam P. Harris

                                   23 June, 1998

          1.  About Copyrights and Software Licenses

          I'm sure  you've read  the licenses  that come  with most  com-
          mercial software -  they say you can  only use one copy  of the
          software on  one computer.  The Debian  GNU/Linux System  isn't
          like that.  We encourage you  to put a  copy on every  computer
          in your school or  place of business. Lend it to  your friends,
          and help them install it on their computers.  You can even make

          thousands of copies  and sell them  - with a  few restrictions.
          That's because Debian is based on free software.

          Free software doesn't  mean that it  doesn't have a  copyright,
          and it doesn't mean  that the CD you buy containing  this soft-
          ware is  distributed at  no charge,  it simply  means that  the
          licenses  of individual  programs do  not  require you  to  pay
          for  the privilege  of copying  the  programs. There  are  oth-
          er sorts of  restrictions on how  you copy the  software, which
          you can read  about once you've  installed the system.  For ex-
          ample, many  of the  programs in  the system  are licensed  un-
          der the GNU  General Public License,  or GPL. The  GPL requires

          that you make the  source code of the programs  available when-
          ever you  distribute a  copy of  the program.  Thus, we've  in-
          cluded the source code for all of those  programs in the Debian
          system. There are  several other forms  of copyright and  soft-
          ware license used on  the programs in Debian. You can  find the
          copyrights and licenses of every program by  looking in the di-
          rectory /usr/doc/program-name/copyright  once you've  installed
          your system.

          For more information  on licenses and  how Debian decides  what
          is free enough to be included in the  distribution, see the De-
          bian Social Contract.

          The most  important legal  notice is that  this software  comes

          with no warranties.  People who write  free software can't  af-
          ford to be sued.


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          2.  System Requirements

          2.1.  CPU

          Your computer must  have a 386,  486, Pentium, Pentium  Pro, or
          Pentium II  processor, or one  of the  clones of those  proces-
          sors made by  manufacturers such as  Cyrix, AMD, TI,  IBM, etc.
          If your processor  has letters like  [quot  ]sx[quot  ],  [quot
          ]sl[quot  ], [quot  ]slc[quot   ], etc. after the number  as in
          [quot  ]386sx[quot  ], that's fine. The system  will not run on
          the 286 or lower processors.

          While Debian  2.0 does support  other processors and  architec-

          tures, this installation  guide does not currently  cover them.
          Users on m68k architectures such as Atari  are directed to url-
          nam for more information. Additionally, Alpha,  Sparc, and Pow-
          erPC ports are available.  See urlnam for more information.

          2.2.  I/O Bus

          Your computer must  use the ISA, EISA,  PCI, or VL bus.  The VL
          bus is  also known  as VESA  Local Bus or  VLB. Computers  that
          have PCI or VLB generally have ISA or EISA  slots as well. Lin-
          ux offers some  support for the  Micro-Channel bus used  in IBM
          PS/2 computers, but this  is not included on the  Debian rescue
          disk. The  newer AGP  video slots are  actually a  modification
          on the PCI specification,  and most AGP video cards  work under

          XFree86. See  urlnam for more  information and  to see if  your
          video card is supported under Linux.

          2.3.  RAM and Disk

          You must have  at least 4MB  of RAM and  40MB of hard disk.  If
          you want to install a reasonable amount  of software, including
          X window system,  and some development programs  and libraries,
          you'll need  at least 300MB.  For a more  or less complete  in-
          stallation, you'll  need around  600MB.  To install  everything
          available in Debian, you'll probably need around  2GB. The disk
          interfaces that emulate  the [quot  ]AT[quot   ] hard disk  in-
          terface which are often  called MFM, RLL, IDE, or ATA  are sup-
          ported. SCSI disk  controllers from many  different manufactur-

          ers are supported.  See the Linux Hardware  Compatibility HOWTO
          for more details.

          2.4.  Floppy Disk

          Unless you  will be installing  from a CD  or a DOS  partition,


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          you must  have a 1.2MB or  1.44MB floppy disk  drive as the  a:
          drive in the system  upon which you will install Linux.  If you
          have both a 1.2MB  and a 1.44MB drive, you could  configure the
          hardware so  that the 1.44MB drive  is a:, if  this is not  too

          2.5.  Display

          You should be using a VGA-compatible display  interface for the
          console terminal. Nearly  every modern display card  is compat-
          ible with  VGA. CGA, MDA, or  HGA might work  OK for text,  but

          they won't work with the X Window System,  and we haven't test-
          ed them. Use  of a serial terminal  for the console is  not yet

          2.6.  Other Hardware

          Linux supports a large  variety hardware devices such  as mice,
          printers,  scanners, modems,  network  cards,  PCMCIA  devices,
          etc. However,  none of  these  devices are  required while  in-
          stalling the system. Again, see the  Linux Hardware Compatibil-
          ity HOWTO for more details to see if  your specific hardware is
          supported under Linux.

          3.  Before You Start

          3.1.  Backups

          Before you start, make sure  to back up every file that  is now
          on your system. The installation procedure can  wipe out all of
          the data on a hard disk!

          3.2.  Information You'll Need

          Besides this document, you'll need the cfdisk  manual page, the

          Dselect Tutorial, and the Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO.

          If your  computer is  connected  to a  network 24  hours a  day
          (i.e. an Ethernet or equivalent connection -  not a PPP connec-
          tion), you should  ask your network's system  administrator for
          this information:
          o  Your  host name  (you may  be able  to decide  this on  your

          o  Your domain name.


                                       - 4 -

          o  Your computer's IP address.

          o  The netmask to use with your network.
          o  The IP address of your network.
          o  The broadcast address to use on your network.

          o  The  IP address  of the  default gateway  system you  should
             route to, if your network has a gateway.
          o  The  system on your  network that  you should  use as a  DNS
             (Domain Name Service) server.
          o  Whether  you  connect to  the  network using  Ethernet,  and
             whether your Ethernet interface is a PCMCIA card.

          If your  computer is connected  to the Internet  via PPP or  an

          equivalent dialup  connection, please  see refnam (7.21)  below
          for information on setting up PPP under Debian.

          4.  Configuring Your System

          4.1.  Disks

          There are some  hardware details you  should look into.  First,
          decide  which disk  you  want to  place  the Linux  system  on.
          You've backed  that up  along  with your  other disks  already,

          4.2.  The BIOS Set-Up Menu

          Your motherboard  probably provides  a BIOS  set-up menu.  Some
          systems start this  menu if you press  DEL while the  system is
          booting, some require a  SETUP disk, and some have  other means
          of invoking the BIOS  set-up menu. If you can start  this menu,
          use it to control the features discussed  in the following sev-
          eral paragraphs.

          4.3.  Boot Device Selection

          Many BIOS  set-up menus allow  you to  select the devices  that

          will be used  to bootstrap the system.  Set this to look  for a
          bootable operating system on  a:, (the first floppy  disk), and
          then c: (the first  hard disk). Since you'll boot Linux  from a
          floppy while installing it,  it is important that the  BIOS en-
          ables booting from a floppy disk.

          Note  that some  systems  can  boot from  CD-ROM  nowadays;  if
          yours  can,  and you're  installing  via  the  Official  Debian
          GNU/Linux CD-ROM,  you can  simply tell your  BIOS set-up  menu


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          to boot from  CD-ROM, and you won't  need a floppy at  all. Ex-
          act details of how to  do this vary depending on the  BIOS ver-
          sion; consult  your  hardware manuals.   If  your system  can't
          boot directly from  CD-ROM, don't despair;  you can simply  run
          E:\boot\boot.bat  under DOS  (replace  E: with  whatever  drive
          letter DOS assigns to  your CD-ROM drive) to start  the instal-
          lation process. See refnam (6.3) below for details.

          Also, if you're  going to be installing  from a FAT  (DOS) par-

          tition, you won't need any floppies at  all. See refnam (6.2.1)
          below for more information on installing via this method.

          4.4.  Extended vs. Expanded Memory

          If your system provides both extended and  expanded memory, set
          it so  that there is  as much extended  and as little  expanded
          memory as possible.  Linux requires extended memory  and cannot
          use expanded memory.

          4.5.  Virus Protection

          Disable any  virus-warning features your  BIOS may provide.  If
          you have  a virus-protection board  or other special  hardware,
          make sure it  is disabled or  physically removed while  running
          Linux. These  aren't compatible  with  Linux, and  Linux has  a
          better method of protecting you from viruses.

          4.6.  Shadow Ram

          Your  motherboard  probably   provides  shadow  RAM.   You  may
          see  settings for  [quot   ]Video  BIOS Shadow[quot   ],  [quot

          ]C800-CBFF Shadow[quot  ],  etc. Disable all shadow  RAM. Shad-
          ow RAM is used to  accelerate access to the ROMs on  your moth-
          erboard and on some  of the controller cards. Linux  avoids us-
          ing these ROMs once  it has booted because it provides  its own
          faster 32-bit software in  place of the 16-bit programs  in the
          ROMs. Disabling the  shadow RAM may  make some of  it available
          for programs to  use as normal  memory. Leaving the  shadow RAM
          enabled may interfere with Linux access to hardware devices.

          4.7.  Advanced Power Management

          If your motherboard  provides Advanced Power  Management (APM),
          configure it  so that  power management is  controlled by  APM.
          Disable the doze, standby,  suspend, nap, and sleep  modes, and

          disable the  hard-disk power-down  timer. Linux  can take  over
          control of  these modes,  and  can do  a better  job of  power-
          management than  the BIOS.  The version of  the operating  sys-


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          tem kernel on the installation floppies does  not, however, use
          APM, because we've  had reports of  one laptop system  crashing
          when the Linux APM driver is configured.  Once you've installed
          Linux, you can  install the kernel-source  package and build  a
          custom-configured version  of  the operating  system kernel  to
          enable APM and other features.

          4.8.  The Turbo Switch

          Many systems  have a turbo  switch that  controls the speed  of
          the CPU.  Select the  high-speed setting. If  your BIOS  allows

          you to disable software  control of the turbo switch  (or soft-
          ware control of CPU speed), do so and lock  the system in high-
          speed mode.  We have one  report that  on a particular  system,
          while  Linux is  auto-probing  (looking for  hardware  devices)
          it can  accidentally touch  the software control  for the  tur-
          bo switch.

          4.9.  Over-Clocking your CPU

          Many people have tried  operating their 90 MHz CPU at  100 MHz,
          etc. It sometimes  works, but is  sensitive to temperature  and
          other factors and can  actually damage your system.  The author
          of this  document overclocked his  own system  for a year,  and
          then the system started aborting the gcc  program with an unex-

          pected signal while it was compiling the  operating system ker-
          nel. Turning the CPU speed back down to  its rated value solved
          the problem.

          4.10.  Bad RAM

          The gcc compiler is often  the first thing to die from  bad RAM
          (or other  hardware  problems that  change data  unpredictably)
          because it builds  huge data structures  that it traverses  re-
          peatedly. An error  in these data  structures will cause  it to
          execute an  illegal instruction  or access  a non-existent  ad-
          dress. The symptom of this will be gcc  dying from an unexpect-
          ed signal.

          The very best motherboards support parity RAM  and will actual-
          ly tell you if your  system has a single-bit error in  RAM. Un-

          fortunately, they don't have a way to fix  the error, thus they
          generally crash immediately after  they tell you about  the bad
          RAM. Still,  it's better to  be told you  have bad memory  than
          to have it silently insert errors in your  data. Thus, the best
          systems have motherboards  that support parity  and true-parity


                                       - 7 -

          4.11.  Fake or ([quot  ]virtual[quot  ]) Parity RAM

          If you ask  for Parity RAM in  a computer store,  you'll proba-
          bly get virtual parity SIMMs instead of  true parity ones. Vir-
          tual parity SIMMs can  often (but not always)  be distinguished
          because they only  have one more  chip than an  equivalent non-
          parity SIMM, and  that one extra chip  is smaller than  all the
          others. Virtual-parity SIMMs work exactly  like non-parity mem-
          ory. They can't tell  you when you have a single-bit  RAM error

          the way true-parity SIMMs  do in a motherboard  that implements
          parity. Don't ever  pay more for  a virtual-parity SIMM  than a
          non-parity one. Do expect to pay a  little more for true-parity
          SIMMs, because you are actually buying one  extra bit of memory
          for every 8 bits.

          If you do have true-parity RAM and  your motherboard can handle
          it, be sure to enable any BIOS settings  that cause the mother-
          board to interrupt on memory parity errors.

          4.12.  Cyrix CPUs and Floppy Disk Errors

          Many users  of Cyrix  CPUs  have had  to disable  the cache  in
          their systems during installation, because the  floppy disk has
          errors if they do not.  If you have to do this, be  sure to re-
          enable your cache when  you are finished with  installation, as

          the system runs much slower with the cache disabled.

          We don't think this is necessarily the fault  of the Cyrix CPU.
          It may be something  that Linux can work around.  We'll contin-
          ue to look  into the problem.  For the technically  curious, we
          suspect a problem with  the cache being invalid after  a switch
          from 16-bit to 32-bit code.

          4.13.  Multiple Processors We have several reports that Debian
                 runs well (and very fast) on systems with two (or
                 more) Pentium, Pentium Pro, or Pentium II processors

                 on the same motherboard. To take advantage of multiple
                 processors, you'll have to install the kernel-source
                 package and then re-compile the kernel with symmetric
                 multiprocessing support enabled. At this time (kernel
                 version 2.0.33) the way you enable that is to edit the

                 top-level Makefile for the kernel and un-comment the
                 line that says [quot  ]SMP = 1[quot  ]. If you compile
                 software on a multiprocessor system, look for the
                 [quot  ]-j[quot  ] flag in the documentation on [quot
                 ]make[quot  ].


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          4.14.  BIOS Settings to Watch Out For

          If your  BIOS offers  something  like [quot   ]15-16 MB  Memory
          Hole[quot  ], please disable that. Linux expects  to find memo-
          ry there if you have that much RAM.

          We have  a report  of an  Intel Endeavor  motherboard on  which
          there is an option  called [quot  ]LFB[quot  ] or  [quot  ]Lin-
          ear Frame Buffer[quot  ].  This had two settings:  [quot  ]Dis-
          abled[quot  ] and [quot   ]1 Megabyte[quot  ]. Set it  to [quot
          ]1  Megabyte[quot  ].  When  disabled, the  installation  flop-

          py was not read  correctly, and the system  eventually crashed.
          At this writing we  don't understand what's going on  with this
          particular device -  it just worked  with that setting  and not
          without it.

          4.15.  Hardware Settings to Watch Out For

          If any cards provide [quot  ]mapped memory[quot   ], the memory
          should be  mapped somewhere between  0xA0000 and 0xFFFFF  (from
          640K to  just below 1  megabyte) or  at an  address at least  1
          megabyte greater than the total amount of RAM in your system.

          4.16.  Windows-specific Hardware

          A disturbing trend is  the proliferation of Windows  modems and
          printers. In some cases these are specially  designed to be op-
          erated by the Microsoft  Windows operating system and  bear the
          legend WinModem  or Made  especially for Windows-based  comput-

          ers. This is  generally done by  removing the embedded  proces-
          sors of the  hardware and shifting the  work they do over  to a
          Windows driver that  is run by  your computer's main  CPU. This
          strategy makes  the hardware  less expensive,  but the  savings
          are often not passed on to the user and  this hardware may even
          be more  expensive than  equivalent devices  that retain  their
          embedded intelligence.

          You should  avoid  Windows-specific hardware  for two  reasons.
          The first is that  the manufacturers do not generally  make the
          resources available  to write  a Linux  driver. Generally,  the
          hardware and software  interface to the device  is proprietary,

          and documentation  is  not available  without a  non-disclosure
          agreement, if it is available at all.  This precludes its being
          used for  free software, since  free software writers  disclose
          the source code  of their programs.  The second reason  is that
          when devices like these have had their  embedded processors re-
          moved, the operating  system must perform  the work of  the em-
          bedded processors,  often at real-time  priority, and thus  the
          CPU is not available  to run your programs while it  is driving


                                       - 9 -

          these devices. Since the  typical Windows user does  not multi-
          process  as intensively  as  a  Linux user,  the  manufacturers
          hope that the Windows user simply won't  notice the burden this
          hardware places  on  their CPU.  However, any  multi-processing
          operating system, even Windows  95 or NT, is degraded  when pe-
          ripheral manufacturers skimp  on the embedded  processing power
          of their hardware.

          You can help this situation by  encouraging these manufacturers

          to release the documentation and other  resources necessary for
          us to program their  hardware, but the best strategy  is simply
          to avoid this  sort of hardware until  it is listed  as working
          in the Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO.

          4.17.  Other Closed Hardware

          Some  hardware  manufacturers  simply  won't  tell  us  how  to
          write drivers for  their hardware, or  they won't allow  us ac-
          cess to  the documentation  without a non-disclosure  agreement
          that would  prevent us  from releasing the  Linux source  code.
          One example is the  IBM laptop DSP sound system used  in recent
          ThinkPad systems - some of these systems  also couple the sound
          eystem to the  modem. Since we  haven't been granted  access to

          the documentation on these devices, they simply  won't work un-
          der Linux.  You can help  by asking  the manufacturers of  such
          hardware to  release the documentation.  If enough people  ask,
          they will realize that Linux is an  important market. The Linux
          Hardware Compatibility  HOWTO provides  information about  what
          devices currently have Linux drivers.

          5.  Notes on Partitioning your Hard Drive

          5.1.  Background

          Partitioning your disk simply refers to the  act of breaking up
          your disk into  sections. Each section  is then independent  of
          the others. It's  roughly equivalent to  putting up walls  in a
          house; if you add  furniture to one room it doesn't  affect any
          other room.

          If you already have  an OS on your system  (Windows95, Windows-

          NT, OS/2,  DOS, FreeBSD) and  want to stick  Linux on the  same
          disk, you will probably  need to repartition the disk.  In gen-
          eral, changing  a  partition  with a filesystem  already on  it
          will destroy  any  information there.  Thus  you should  always
          make backups before  doing any repartitioning. Using  the anal-


                                      - 10 -

          ogy of the house, you would probably want to  move all the fur-
          niture out  of the way  before moving  a wall  or you risk  de-
          stroying it. Luckily, there  is an alternative for  some users.
          See the section on refnam (5.4).

          At a  bare minimum, Linux  needs two  partitions. In this  sce-
          nario, one will  contain the entire  operating system, all  the
          programs and your personal files. The other  is called the swap
          partition. Swap is  scratch space for  an operating system.  By

          putting it on its own partition Linux can  make much more effi-
          cient use of it (it  is possible to force Linux to use  a regu-
          lar file as swap, but it is not recommended).

          There are two reasons  you might want to break up  the filesys-
          tem into  a  number of  smaller partitions.  The  first is  for
          safety. If something happens  to corrupt the file  system, gen-
          erally only  one partition  is  affected. Thus,  you only  have
          to replace (from the  backups you've been carefully  keeping) a
          portion of your system. At a bare  minimum, you should consider
          creating what is commonly called a 'root  partition'. This con-
          tains the most essential components of the  system. If any oth-

          er partitions get corrupted,  you can still boot into  Linux to
          fix the system. This can save you the trouble  of having to re-
          install the system from scratch.

          The  second reason  is  generally  more important  in  a  busi-
          ness setting,  but it  really depends  on your use  of the  ma-
          chine. Suppose something  runs out of  control and starts  eat-
          ing disk  space. If  the  process causing  the problem  happens
          to have root privileges  (the system keeps a percentage  of the
          disk away  from users),  you could suddenly  find yourself  out
          of disk space.  This is not  good as the  OS needs to use  real
          files (besides swap space) for many things. It  may not even be

          a problem of  local origin. For  example, getting spammed  with
          e-mail can easily fill  a partition. By using  more partitions,
          you  protect the  system from  many  of these  problems.  Using
          mail as  an example  again, by putting  /var/spool/mail on  its
          own partition,  the bulk of  the system will  work even if  you
          get spammed.

          Another reason  applies to  you only  if you have  a large  IDE
          disk,  and are  not using  neither  LBA addressing,  nor  over-
          lay drivers  usually provided  by hard  disk manufacturer.   In
          this case,  you will have  to put the  root partition into  the
          first 1024  cylinders of  your hard drive  (usually around  524


          The only real drawback  to using more partitions is that  it is
          often difficult  to know in  advance what  your needs will  be.
          If you make a partition too small then you  will either have to
          reinstall the system  or you will  be constantly moving  things


                                      - 11 -

          around to make room  in the undersized partition. On  the other
          hand, if you  make the partition too  big, you will  be wasting
          space that could be  used elsewhere. Disk space is  cheap nowa-
          days, but why throw your money away.

          5.2.  What do you recommend?

          As  described above,  you  should  definitely have  a  separate
          smaller root  partition, and  a larger /usr  partition, if  you
          have the space.  For examples, see below.   For most users, the
          two partitions initially mentioned is sufficient.   This is es-

          pecially appropriate when you  have a single small  disk, since
          breaking out lots of partition can waste space.

          In some cases, you  might need a separate  /usr/local partition
          if you plan to install  many programs that are not part  of the
          operating system.  If your  machine will be a mail  server, you
          might need to  make /var/spool/mail a separate  partition.  Of-
          ten, putting  /tmp on it's  own partition,  for instance 20  to
          32MB, is  a good idea.   If you  are setting  up a server  with
          lots of user accounts, it's generally good  to have a separate,
          large, /home  partition.  In  general, the partitioning  situa-
          tion varies from computer to computer depending on its uses.

          That still  leaves the  question of  swap space.  There are  as

          many views  on how much  swap you  need as  there are Unix  ad-
          ministrators. One rule of  thumb which works well is to  use as
          much swap as you  have RAM, although there probably  isn't much
          point in going over 64MB  of swap for most users. If  you start
          using that  much  swap, you  should get  more  RAM. Of  course,
          there are exceptions. If  you are trying to solve  10000 simul-
          taneous equations on a  machine with 256MB of RAM you  may need
          a gigabyte (or  more) of swap.   If your swap  requirements are
          this high, however, you should probably try  to spread the swap
          across different disks.

          5.3.  Examples

          As an example, the author's home machine has 32MB  of RAM and a

          1.7GB IDE drive on /dev/hda. There is a  500MB DOS partition on
          /dev/hda1 (should have  made it 200MB  as it never  gets used).
          A 32MB swap partition is used on /dev/hda3  and the rest (about
          1.2GB on /dev/hda2) is the Linux partition.

          5.4.  Lossless repartitioning when starting from DOS,
                Windows95 or OS/2

          One of  the most  common installations  is onto  a system  that


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          already  contains DOS  (including  Windows3.1),  Windows95,  or
          OS/2 and it is desired  to put Debian onto the same  disk with-
          out destroying the  previous system. As  explained in the  ref-
          nam (5.1), decreasing  the size of  an existing partition  will
          almost certainly damage the data on that  partition unless cer-
          tain precautions  are taken. The  method described here,  while
          not guaranteed to  protect your data,  works extremely well  in

          practice. As a precaution, you should make a backup.

          Before going any further, you should have  decided how you will
          be dividing up the  disk. The method in this section  will only
          split a partition into  two pieces. One will contain  the orig-
          inal OS and the other  will be used for Debian. During  the in-
          stallation of  Debian, you  will  be given  the opportunity  to
          finish dividing the Debian portion of the disk as you see fit.

          The idea is  to move all the data  on the partition to  the be-
          ginning, before  changing  the partition  information, so  that
          nothing will be lost. It is important that you  do as little as
          possible between the  data movement and repartitioning  to min-
          imize the chance  of a file being  written near the end  of the

          partition as  this will decrease  the amount  of space you  can
          take from the partition.

          The first  thing needed is  a copy of  fips which is  available
          in the tools/  directory on your  nearest debian mirror.  Unzip
          the archive and copy  the files RESTORRB.EXE, FIPS.EXE  and ER-
          RORS.TXT to a bootable  floppy.  A bootable floppy can  be cre-
          ated using the command sys a: under DOS.   Fips comes with very
          good documentation which you  may want to read.  You  will def-
          initely need to  read the documentation if  you use one  of the

          o  Stacker/SuperStor/Doublespace etc.
          o  OS/2
          o  OnTrack Disk Manager or similar driver

          Create the disk and  read the documentation before  you defrag-

          ment the disk.

          The next thing needed is to move all the  data to the beginning
          of the  partition. defrag,  which comes standard  with DOS  6.0
          and later  can easily do  the job.  See the fips  documentation
          for a list of other  software that may do the trick.  Note that
          if you have  Windows95, you must  run defrag from  there, since
          DOS doesn't understand FAT32).

          After  running the  defragmentor (which  can  take a  while  on
          a large  disk), reboot with  the fips disk  you created in  the
          floppy drive. Simply type a:\fips and follow the directions.


                                      - 13 -

          6.  Methods for Installing Debian

          You can  install  Debian from  the  following media:  floppies,
          hard disk, CD,  or from an NFS  server. You can also  mix those
          four methods for different parts of  installation, as discussed

          The installation disks are divided into three  parts:  the res-
          cue disk, the  driver disk, and the  base system.  You  will be
          prompted for each one  of them separately.  Therefore,  you can
          place each one of them on a different medium  if you wish.  Be-

          low you will find  a description of the most common  methods of
          installing Debian.  Keep in  mind that if need be, you  can al-
          ways put every distinct  part of bootdisks on a  separate medi-
          um. Note that the base system is available  in two forms: flop-
          py disk  images for direct writing  to a floppy,  and in a  tar
          archive for other forms of installation.

          Below is  an annotated list  of files you  will find in  disks-
          i386 directory. You do not need to download  them all, but only
          those you will need  for your particular form  of installation.
          See below  for  detailed installation  instructions.  All  disk
          images are available in  a form suitable for using in  a 1.44MB

          and  older 1.2MB  floppy  drives  separately.  The  images  for
          1.2MB drives have  12 somewhere in  their filename, and  1.44MB
          images have 14 embedded in their filenames.

          6.1.  Downloading the files

          If you are using a web browser on a  networked computer to read
          this document, you can  probably retrieve the files  by select-
          ing their  names in your  web browser.  Otherwise, you can  re-
          trieve them from urlnam,  or a similar directory in any  of the
          Debian FTP mirror sites.

          resc1440.bin, resc1200.bin :  the  rescue disk image    This is
             the rescue  disk image.  It is  used for initial  setup, and
             also in  emergencies when your system doesn't boot  for some
             reason in the future. Therefore  it is recommended you write

             the  disk image  to the  floppy even  if you  are not  using
             floppies for installation.

          resc1440tecra.bin  :  The rescue disk  image for some  laptops.
             This is the rescue disk image  for computers that can't han-
             dle  the kernel  compression  format called  bzImage.   This
             problem is usually exhibited by  certain models laptops (no-
             tably, Toshiba  tecras), but has also been reported  on oth-
             er kinds of computers.  If  your computer reboots or freezes
             while kernel is booting, it is worth  a try to use this disk


                                      - 14 -

          drv1440.bin, drv1200.bin:  the driver  disk image    This  disk
             image  contains  the kernel  modules,  or drivers,  for  all
             kinds of  hardware that are not necessary for  initial boot-
             ing.  You  will be prompted to  choose the drivers  you need
             during the installation process.

          base2_0.tgz,                        base14-1.bin...base14-5.bin
             base12-1.bin...base12-6.bin  :  the  base  system.     These
             files  contain the base  system which  will be installed  on

             your Linux partition during  the installation process.  This
             is the bare minimum necessary for  you to be able to install
             the  rest of the packages.   The base2[lowbar]0.tgz file  is
             for installation from non-floppy media.

          root.bin : an  image of the  temporary filesystem.    This file
             contains an  image of temporary filesystem that  gets loaded
             into memory  when you boot.  This is used  for installations
             from hard disk and from CD-ROM.

          rawrite2.exe :  utility to  write an  image to  floppy.    This
             is a DOS  utility to write a floppy disk image  to a floppy.
             You should  not copy images to  the floppy, but  instead use
             this utility to rawrite them.

          loadlin.exe : Linux boot loader  for DOS.   You will  need this

             boot loader  if you are installing  from a DOS  partition or
             from a CD.

          install.bat : DOS  batch file for starting  Debian installation
             from DOS.    This batch  file is used in  installations from
             hard disk or CD.

          linux : the  kernel image   This  is the Linux kernel  image to
             be used for hard disk and CD installations.

          install.txt, install.html : this file

          cfdisk.txt :  instructions for  using cfdisk, the  partitioning

          basecont.txt : listing of contents of the base system.

          6.2.  Installing from Hard Disk

          6.2.1  Installing from a DOS partition

          1  Get the  following files from  your nearest Debian  ftp mir-
             ror  and put them  into a directory  on your DOS  partition:
             resc1440.bin,  drv1440.bin,   base2[lowbar]0.tgz,  root.bin,
             linux, install.bat and loadlin.exe.


                                      - 15 -

          2  Execute install.bat from that directory in DOS.

          3  skip down to refnam (7).

          6.2.2 Installing from an ext2fs partition

          1  Get  the  following  files  and place  them  in  a  directo-
             ry  on your ext2  partition: resc1440.bin, drv1440.bin,  and

          2  Write the rescue disk image  (resc1440.bin) to the floppy by
             using the following command:

              dd if=resc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync ; sync

          3  insert  the floppy with  the image  into your floppy  drive,
             and reboot the computer.

          4  Skip down to refnam (7)

          6.3.  Installing from a CD

          You are very  likely to be  installing from an  official Debian
          CD.  Booting a  Debian CD is as easy  as putting the CD  in the
          drive, and  booting off the  CD if your  BIOS supports it.   In
          the case that your computer does not  support bootable CDs, you
          should boot into  DOS, and execute  boot.bat file which  is lo-
          cated in the  \boot directory on your  CD.  Then, skip  down to

          refnam (7)

          6.4.  Installing from NFS

          Due to  the nature  of this  method of  installation, only  the
          base system can be  installed via NFS.  You will need  tno have
          the  rescue disk  and the  driver  disk available  locally  us-
          ing one of the  above methods.  To install the base  system via
          NFS, you'll  have to  go  through the  regular installation  as
          explained in  refnam (7).   Do not  forget to  insert the  mod-
          ule (driver) for your  ethernet card, and the file  system mod-
          ule for  nfs.  When  the menu  system asks you  where the  base
          system is located,  you should choose  NFS, and follow  the in-

          6.5.  Installing Base from Floppies

          NOTE: This is not  a recommended way of installing  Debian, be-

          cause the floppies  are generally the  flakiest type of  media.
          This is only recommended  if you have no filesystems on  any of
          the hard drives on your system.


                                      - 16 -

          Of course, when  installing from scratch  on a machine  without
          a bootable CDROM, you'll need at least the  Rescue disk and the
          Drivers Disk on floppies.

          6.5.1 Writing Floppy Disk Image Files to Floppy Disk

          You will need to write the following disk images to floppies:

          Rescue Disk    If your a:  drive of the  system upon which  you
             will install  Linux uses 1.44MB floppy disks, you  will need
             the file  resc1440.bin; if it  uses 1.2MB floppy  disks, you
             will need the file resc1200.bin,

          Driver Disk    If your a:  drive of the  system upon which  you
             will install  Linux uses 1.44MB floppy disks, you  will need
             the  file drv1440.bin; if  it uses  1.2MB floppy disks,  you
             will need the file drv1200.bin,

          Base Disks    These disks  will be  generated from the  follow-
             ing  files  (1.44MB  version)   base14-1.bin,  base14-2.bin,
             base14-3.bin, base14-4.bin and base14-5.bin.

             And   these   are   the    1.2MB   versions:   base12-1.bin,
             base12-2.bin,  base12-3.bin, base12-4.bin, base12-5.bin  and


          If  you  are   using  a  web   browser  on  a   networked  com-
          puter   to  read   this   document,   you  can   probably   re-
          trieve   the  files   by   selecting   their  names   in   your
          web   browser.   Otherwise,  you   can   retrieve   them   from
,  or   a
          similar directory in  any of the  Debian FTP mirror  sites. All
          of these  are floppy disk  image files,  which means that  each
          file contains  the complete contents  of a  floppy disk in  raw
          form. A  special program is  used to write  the image files  to
          floppy disk in raw mode.

          Find (up  to) 10  formatted floppy  disks. Mark  them as  [quot

          ]Rescue[quot  ], [quot   ]Device Drivers[quot  ],  [quot  ]Cus-
          tom Boot[quot  ], [quot   ]Base 1[quot  ], [quot   ]Base 2[quot
          ], etc.

          No file  is written  to the  Custom Boot floppy,  that will  be
          written by the Debian system while it is being installed.

          6.5.2 Writing Disk Images From DOS, Windows, or OS/2

          You'll find the rawrite2.exe  program in the same  directory as
          the floppy disk images.  There's also a rawrite2.txt  file con-

          taining instructions for rawrite2.exe .


                                      - 17 -

          To write the floppy  disk image files to the floppy  disks, use
          the command

          rawrite2 -f file -d drive

          where file is one of the floppy disk image  files, and drive is
          either a: or b:.

          6.5.3 Writing Disk Images From a Linux or Unix System

          Some systems attempt to automatically mount a  floppy disk when
          you place it in the drive. You might have  to disable this fea-
          ture before the  workstation will allow  you to write  a floppy
          in raw mode. Unfortunately, I don't know  the command necessary
          to do this  for your particular  workstation.  Ask your  system

          To write the floppy  disk image files to the floppy  disks, use
          the command

          dd if=file of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync ; sync

          where file is one  of the floppy disk image files.  /dev/fd0 is
          a commonly used name of the floppy-disk device,  it may be dif-
          ferent  on your  workstation. The  command  may return  to  the
          prompt before  Unix has  finished writing the  floppy disk,  so

          look for the disk-in-use light on the floppy  drive and be sure
          that the light  is out and the  disk has stopped  revolving be-
          fore you  remove it  from the  drive. On  some systems,  you'll
          have to run a command to eject the floppy from the drive.

          6.5.4 Floppy-disk Reliability

          The number  one problem  of  people installing  Debian for  the
          first time seems to be floppy-disk reliability.

          The Rescue Floppy is  the one with the worst  problems, because

          that floppy is  read by BIOS  before Linux boots.  BIOS doesn't
          read as reliably as the Linux floppy disk  driver, and may just
          stop without printing  an error message  if it reads  incorrect
          data. There can also be failures in the  drivers floppy and the
          base floppies, most of  which indicate themselves with  a flood
          of messages about disk I/O errors.

          If you are having the installation stall  at a particular flop-
          py, the  first thing you  should do  is re-download the  floppy
          disk image and  write it to  a different floppy.  Simply refor-
          matting the old  floppy is not  sufficient, even if  it appears
          that the floppy was reformatted and written  with no errors. It

          is sometimes useful  to try writing  the floppy on  a different


                                      - 18 -

          One user  reports he had  to write  three boot floppies  before
          one worked, and then  everything was fine with the  third flop-

          Other users  have reported  that simply rebooting  a few  times
          with the  same floppy in the  floppy drive can  lead to a  suc-
          cessful boot. This is all due to buggy BIOS floppy drivers.

          6.6.  Installation on Systems with Low Memory

          If your system has less  than 6MB of RAM, you will need  to use
          a special  low-memory disk image  lowmem.bin. This image  needs
          to be written to a  floppy disk, and you should boot  from that

          disk first.  See refnam (7.2) below for more instructions.

          7.  Using the Installation System to Install and Configure

          7.1.  The Rescue Floppy

          Place the Rescue floppy  in the a: floppy drive, and  reset the
          system by pressing reset,  turning the system off and  then on,
          or by  pressing  Control-Alt-Del on  the  keyboard. The  floppy
          disk should be accessed, and you should then  see a screen that
          introduces the rescue  floppy and ends  with the boot:  prompt.
          It's called the  Rescue floppy because you  can use it  to boot
          your system  and perform  repairs if  there is  ever a  problem
          that makes  your hard  disk unbootable. Thus,  you should  save

          this floppy  after you've  installed your  system. Pressing  F3
          will give further information on this.

          If you are using an alternative way to  boot the system, follow
          the instructions, and wait for the boot: prompt to come up.

          You can do  two things at the  boot: prompt. You can  press the
          function keys  F1 through F10  to view a  few pages of  helpful
          information, or you can boot the system. If  you have less than
          6MB RAM, you  have to boot from  the Low-Memory Boot  Disk (see
          refnam (6.6)  below). If you  boot from  a 1.2MB floppy  drive,
          you have to  use a ramdisk boot  method, and you will  need the
          Root Disk.

          If you  have any  hardware  devices that  aren't made  accessi-
          ble from Linux correctly  when Linux boots, you may find  a pa-

          rameter to add to the boot command line in  the screens you see
          by pressing F4  and F5. If you  add any parameters to  the boot
          command line, be sure  to type the boot method (the  default is


                                      - 19 -

          linux) and a  space before the  first parameter. If  you simply
          press Enter, that's the  same as typing linux without  any spe-
          cial parameters.

          If this  is  the first  time you're  booting  the system,  just
          press Enter and  see if it  works correctly. It  probably will.
          If not, you  can reboot later and  look for any  special param-
          eters that inform the  system about your hardware.   Some flop-
          pies, in  particular about  accessing floppies,  in which  case

          you might boot with the comment linux floppy=thinkpad.

          Once you press  Enter, you should  see the message  Loading...,
          and then  Uncompressing  Linux..., and  then a  page  or so  of
          cryptic information  about the hardware  in your system.  There
          may be  many  messages in  the form  can't  find something,  or
          something  not present,  can't  inttialize something,  or  even
          this driver release  depends on something.  Most of these  mes-
          sages are harmless. You see them because  the installation boot
          disk is built to  run on computers with many  different periph-
          eral devices. Obviously, no  one computer will have  every pos-
          sible peripheral  device, so  the operating system  may emit  a

          few complaints while  it looks for  peripherals you don't  own.
          You may  also see the  system pause for  a while. This  happens
          when it is waiting for a device to respond,  and that device is
          not present on  your system. If you  find the time it  takes to
          boot the system unacceptably long, later you  can create a cus-
          tom kernel  once you've  installed your system  without all  of
          the drivers for non-existent devices.

          If you choose a non-default boot method,  e.g. ramdisk or flop-
          py, you will be prompted to insert the  Root floppy. Insert the
          Root Floppy  into the first  disk drive  and press Enter.   (If
          you choose floppy1 insert the Root Floppy  into the second disk


          7.2.  Low-Memory Systems

          If you  system has  less than  6MB RAM, a  paragraph about  low
          memory and  a text  menu with  four choices  can be  displayed.
          This means that the system detected that  you don't have enough
          memory for a normal  installation, hence must follow  a special
          low-memory installation procedure.  Go through the  menu selec-
          tions in order:

          o  Use fdisk  to create a Linux  Swap partition (type  82). The
             swap  partition is needed to  provide virtual memory  during
             the installation  process, since that process will  use more
             memory  than you have  in your system.  Select the size  for
             the  amount of virtual  memory you intend  to use once  your
             system  is installed.  16 megabytes is  probably the  lowest


                                      - 20 -

             amount that's  practical, use 32 megabytes if you  can spare
             the  space, and 64  if your  disk is  large enough that  you
             won't miss that much.

             In addition  create a MINIX  partition (type 81).  This will
             hold the root filesystem in  the early installation process.
             Its size should be at least  2 megabytes. This partition can
             be deleted when the installation is finished.

          o  Activate the swap partition.
          o  Copy  the root  filesystem to  disk.  You will  need a  DOS-
             formatted floppy disk with the root.bin  file in it (for ex-
             ample, the rescue floppy disk).
          o  Exit. The normal installation system will be started.

          7.3.  The Color-or-Monochrome Dialog Box

          Once the system has  finished booting, you should see  the col-

          or  or monochrome  choice  dialog  box. If  your  monitor  dis-
          plays black-and-white,  press Enter  to continue  with the  in-
          stallation. Otherwise, use the arrow key to  move the cursor to
          the Color menu  item and then  press Enter. The  display should
          change from black-and-white to color.  Then move  the cursor to
          the Next item  and press Enter again  to continue with  the in-

          7.4.  The Main Menu

          You may see a dialog box that says  The installation program is
          determining the current state of your system.  On some systems,
          this will  go by too  quickly to read.  You'll see this  dialog
          box between steps  in the main  menu. The installation  program

          will check the state  of the system in between each  step. This
          checking allows you  to re-start the installation  without los-
          ing the work you have  already done if you happen to  halt your
          system in the middle  of the installation process. If  you have
          to restart an installation,  you will have to  configure color-
          or-monochrome, configure your  keyboard, re-activate your  swap
          partition, and re-mount  any disks that have  been initialized.
          Anything else that you  have done with the  installation system
          will be saved.

          During the  entire installation process,  you will be  present-
          ed with  the main  menu. The  choices at  the top  of the  menu

          will change to  indicate your progress  in installing the  sys-
          tem. Phil Hughes  wrote in Linux  Journal that you  could teach
          a chicken  to install  Debian! He meant  that the  installation
          process was mostly  just pecking at  the return key.  The first
          choice on  the installation menu  is the  next action that  you


                                      - 21 -

          should perform according  to what the  system detects you  have
          already done.   It should say Next, and at  this point the next
          step in installing the system will be taken.

          7.5.  Configuring the Keyboard

          Make sure  the highlight  is on  the Next item,  and press  En-
          ter to  go to the  keyboard configuration  menu. Select a  key-
          board that conforms to  the layout used for your  national lan-
          guage, or  select something  close if the  keyboard layout  you
          want isn't  represented. Once the  system is installed,  you'll

          be able  to select  a  keyboard layout  from a  wider range  of
          choices. Move the highlight  to the keyboard selection  you de-
          sire and press Enter. Use the arrow keys  to move the highlight
          - they  are in  the same  place in all  national language  key-
          board layouts, so they are independent of  the keyboard config-

          7.6.  The Shell

          If you are  an experienced Unix  or Linux user,  press LeftAlt-
          F2 to get to the second virtual console. That's  the Alt key on
          the left-hand side of  the space bar, and the F2  function key,
          at the same  time. This is a  separate window running  a Bourne
          shell clone called ash.  At this point you are booted  from the

          RAM disk, and there  is a limited set of Unix  utilities avail-
          able for  your use.  You can  see what  programs are  available
          with the  command ls  /bin  /sbin /usr/bin  /usr/sbin. Use  the
          menus to perform any task that they are able  to do - the shell
          and commands are  only there in  case something goes  wrong. In
          particular, you should always use the menus,  not the shell, to
          activate your swap  partition, because the menu  software can't
          detect that  you've done  this from the  shell. Press  LeftAlt-
          F1 to get back to  menus. Linux provides up to 64  virtual con-
          soles, although the Rescue floppy only uses a few of them.

          7.7.  Last Chance!

          Did we  tell  you to  back  up your  disks?  Here's your  first

          chance to  wipe out all  of the  data on  your disks, and  your
          last chance to save  your old system. If you haven't  backed up
          all of your disks, remove the floppy from  the drive, reset the
          system, and run backups.

          7.8.  Partition Your Hard Disks

          If you have  not already partitioned  your disks for  Linux na-
          tive and  Linux swap filesystems,  the menu  item Next will  be


                                      - 22 -

          Partition a  Hard Disk. If  you have  already created at  least
          one Linux Native  and one Linux  Swap disk partition,  the Next
          menu selection will  be Initialize and  Activate the Swap  Disk
          Partition, or you  may even skip that  step if your  system had
          low memory and  you were asked  to activate the  swap partition
          as soon as  the system started.  Whatever the Next  menu selec-
          tion is, you can  use the down-arrow key to select  Partition a

          Hard Disk.

          The Partition a  Hard Disk menu item  presents you with  a list
          of disk  drives you  can partition,  and runs  the cfdisk  pro-
          gram, which  allows you  to  create and  edit disk  partitions.
          The cfdisk manual page is included with  this document, and you
          should read  it now.  You  should also  read refnam (5)  above.
          You must create  at least one  [quot  ]Linux[quot  ]  (type 83)
          disk partition, and  one [quot  ]Linux  Swap[quot  ] (type  82)

          Your swap partition will be used to  provide virtual memory for
          the system and should be between 16 and  128 megabytes in size,
          depending on how  much disk space you  have and how  many large

          programs you want to run.   The old rule of thumb is  that swap
          should be  twice as big  as the amount  of physical memory  you
          have available.  Once  you get past the  32MB of RAM  mark, you
          shouldn't make your  swap partition more  than 1.5 bigger  than
          the amount of RAM.  Linux will not use more than  128 megabytes
          of swap  on a single  swap partition, so  there's no reason  to
          make your  swap partition  larger than that.  However, you  can
          make multiple swap partitions  by hand and edit  /etc/fstab af-
          ter you've installed  to get more  than 128 megabytes  of swap.
          A swap partition is strongly recommended, but  you can do with-

          out one  if you insist,  and if  your system  has more than  16
          megabytes of RAM. If you wish to do this,  please select the Do
          Without a Swap Partition item from the menu.

          The [quot  ]Linux[quot  ] disk partition will  hold all of your
          files, and you  may make it any  size between 40  megabytes and
          the maximum size of your  disk minus the size of the  swap par-
          tition. If  you are already  familiar with  Unix or Linux,  you
          may want to make  additional partitions - for example,  you can
          make partitions  that will  hold the /var,  and /usr,  filesys-

          7.9.  Initialize and Activate the Swap Disk Partition

          This will be the Next menu item once you  have created one disk
          partition. You have  the choice of initializing  and activating

          a new swap partition, activating  a previously-initialized one,
          and doing without a swap partition. It's  always permissible to
          re-initialize a swap partition, so select  Initialize and Acti-


                                      - 23 -

          vate the Swap Disk Partition unless you are  sure you know what
          you are  doing. This menu  choice will give  you the option  to
          scan the  entire partition for  un-readable disk blocks  caused
          by defects on  the surface of the  hard disk platters.  This is
          useful if  you have  MFM, RLL,  or older SCSI  disks, and  nev-
          er hurts.  Properly-working IDE disks  don't need this  choice,
          as they have their  own internal mechanism for mapping  out bad

          disk blocks.

          The swap  partition provides virtual  memory to supplement  the
          RAM that you've  installed in your  system. It's even  used for
          virtual memory while the system is being  installed. That's why
          we initialize it first.

          7.10.  Initialize a Linux Disk Partition

          At this point, the Next menu item should  be Initialize a Linux
          Disk Partition. If it isn't, it's because  you haven't complet-
          ed the disk  partitioning process, or  you haven't made  one of
          the menu choices dealing with your swap partition.

          You can initialize a  Linux Disk partition, or  alternately you
          can mount a previously-initialized one.

          These floppies will  not upgrade an  old system without  remov-
          ing the files - Debian provides a  different procedure than us-
          ing the  boot floppies for  upgrading existing Debian  systems.

          Thus, if you  are using old disk  partitions that are  not emp-
          ty, you should initialize  them (which erases all  files) here.
          You must  initialize any  partitions  that you  created in  the
          disk partitioning step. About  the only reason to mount  a par-
          tition without initializing it at this point  would be to mount
          a partition upon which you have already  performed some part of
          the installation  process using this  same set of  installation

          Select the Next  menu item to initialize  and mount the  / disk
          partition. The  first partition  that you  mount or  initialize
          will be  the one mounted  as / (pronounced  root). You will  be

          offered the choice to  scan the disk partition for  bad blocks,
          as you were when  you initialized the swap partition.  It never
          hurts to scan for bad  blocks, but it could take 10  minutes or
          more to do so if you have a large disk.

          Once you've mounted  the / partition,  the Next menu  item will
          be Install the Operating  System Kernel and the  Device Drivers
          unless  you've  already  performed  some  of  the  installation
          steps. You can use the  arrow keys to select the menu  items to
          initialize and/or mount  disk partitions if  you have any  more
          partitions to set up.  If you have created  separate partitions


                                      - 24 -

          for /var,  /usr, or  other filesystems,  you should  initialize
          and/or mount them now.

          7.11.  Install the Operating System Kernel and the Device

          This should  be the Next  menu step  after you've mounted  your
          / disk,  unless you've  already performed some  of the  instal-
          lation steps on  /. Select it, and  you will be offered  a menu
          of drives to  use to read  the kernel.  Choose  the appropriate

          place to install the kernel and modules.

          7.12.  Configure the Device Drivers

          Select the Configure Device Drivers menu item  and look for de-
          vices that are on your system. Configure  those device drivers,
          and they  will be  loaded whenever  your system  boots. If  you
          want to install the base system via NFS you  must load and con-
          figure the  driver module for  your network  card, and the  NFS
          module itself, available under filesystems.

          7.12.1 Configure PCMCIA Support

          There  is  an  alternate  step,  before  the  Configure  Device
          Drivers menu selection, called Configure  PCMCIA Support.  This
          menu is used to enable PCMCIA support.

          If you do have PCMCIA, but are not  installing your Debian sys-
          tem using it (i.e.,  installatio with a PCMCIA  ethernet card),
          then you  need not  configure PCMCIA  at this  point.  You  can
          easily configure and enable PCMCIA at a  later point, after in-
          stallation is complete.  However, if you are  installing by way
          of a PCMCIA  network device, this  alternate must be  selected,
          and PCMCIA support must be configured prior  to configuring the

          If you  need to  install  PCMCIA, select  the alternate,  below

          Configure Device Drivers.  You will be asked  which PCMCIA con-
          troller your  system contains.   In  most cases,  this will  be
          i82365.  In some cases, it will be  tcic; your laptop's vendor-
          supplied  specifications  should  provide  the  information  if
          in doubt.   The following  options, all  following the  pattern
          *[lowbar]OPTS[lowbar]MSG, can generally be left  blank.  Again,
          certain  hardware has  special  needs;  the Linux  PCMCIA  HOW-
          TO contains plenty of  information in case the  default doesn't

          In some unusual  cases, such as  using network devices  on cer-
          tain IBM Thinkpad models,  you will also need to read  and edit


                                      - 25 -

          /etc/pcmcia/config.opts.   You can  open  your  second  virtual
          terminal (LeftAlt-F2) and edit the file there,  and then recon-
          figure your PCMCIA,  or manually forcing  a reload of  the mod-
          ules using insmod and rmmod.

          Once PCMCIA  is properly configured  and installed, you  should
          jump back up and configure your device  drivers as described in
          the previous section.

          7.13.  Configure the Network

          You'll have  to configure the  network even  if you don't  have
          a network, but you'll  only have to answer the first  two ques-

          tions - what is the name of your computer?,  and is your system
          connected to a network?.

          If you  are connected to  a network,  here come some  questions
          that you  may not be  able to  figure out on  your own -  check
          with your network administrator if you don't know:

          NOTE: if your  primary connection to  the network will  be PPP,
          you should choose NOT to configure the network.
          o  Your host name.

          o  Your domain name.
          o  Your computer's IP address.
          o  The netmask to use with your network.

          o  The broadcast address to use on your network.
          o  The  IP address  of the  default gateway  system you  should
             route to, if your network has a gateway.
          o  The  system on your  network that  you should  use as a  DNS
             (Domain Name Service) server.

          o  The type of your network (Ethernet, Token Ring).

          Some technical  details you  might, or might  not, find  handy:
          the program  assumes the  network  IP address  is the  bitwise-
          AND of  your  system's IP  address and  your  netmask. It  will
          guess the broadcast address is the bitwise  OR of your system's
          IP address with  the bitwise negation  of the netmask.  It will
          guess that  your gateway  system is  also your  DNS server.  If
          you can't find any  of these answers, use the  system's guesses
          - you can  change them once the  system has been  installed, if

          necessary, by  editing /etc/init.d/network.  (On a Debian  sys-
          tem, daemons are started by scripts in /etc/init.d/.)

          7.14.  Install the Base System

          Select the Install  the Base System  menu item.  You'll  be of-
          fered a menu  of drives to use  to read the base  floppies. Se-


                                      - 26 -

          lect  the appropriate  drive. If  you  choose to  install  from
          floppy disk feed in the  Base 1, 2, 3, ... as requested  by the
          program. If  one of  the  base floppies  is unreadable,  you'll
          have to create a replacement floppy and  feed all floppies into
          the system  again. Once the  floppies have  all been read,  the
          system will install  the files it  had read from  the floppies.
          This could  take 10 minutes  or more on  slow systems, less  on

          faster ones.

          7.15.  Configure the Base System

          At this point  you've read in all of  the files that make  up a
          minimal Debian system, but you must  perform some configuration
          before the system will run. Select the  Configure the Base Sys-
          tem menu item.

          You'll be asked  to select your time  zone. Look for  your time
          zone or region  of the world  in the menu,  and type it at  the
          prompt. This may lead to another menu, in  which you can select
          your actual time zone.

          Next, you'll be asked if your system clock is  to be set to GMT
          or local  time. Select GMT  if you will  only be running  Linux
          and Unix on your system,  and select local time if you  will be
          running another operating system  such as DOS or  Windows. Unix

          and Linux keep  GMT time on the  system clock and  use software
          to convert it to the local time zone. This  allows them to keep
          track of daylight savings time and leap  years, and even allows
          users who are logged  in from other time zones  to individually
          set the time zone used  on their terminal. If you run  the sys-
          tem clock on GMT and your locality  uses daylight savings time,
          you'll find that the  system adjusts for daylight  savings time
          properly on the days that it starts and ends.

          7.16.  Make the Hard Disk Bootable

          If you  select to  make  the hard  disk boot  directly to  Lin-
          ux, you will be asked  to install a master boot record.  If you
          aren't using  a boot  manager (and  this is  probably the  case

          if you don't know what  a boot manager is), answer yes  to this
          question. The next  question will be  whether you want  to boot
          Linux automatically from  the hard disk  when you turn  on your
          system. This sets Linux to be the bootable  partition - the one
          that will  be loaded from the  hard disk. If  you answer no  to
          this question,  you can  set the bootable  partition later  us-
          ing the DOS fdisk program, or with the  Linux fdisk or activate

          If you  are installing Linux  on a drive  other than the  first


                                      - 27 -

          hard disk in  your system, be sure  to make a boot  floppy. The
          boot ROM  of most  systems is  only capable  of directly  boot-
          ing from  the first hard  drive, not the  second one. You  can,
          however, work  around this problem  once you've installed  your
          system.  To do  so,  read  the instructions  in  the  directory

          7.17.  Make a Boot Floppy

          You should make  a boot floppy even  if you intend to  boot the
          system from  the hard disk.  The reason for  this is that  it's

          possible  for the  hard  disk  bootstrap to  be  mis-installed,
          but a boot floppy  will almost always work. Select Make  a Boot
          Floppy from the menu and feed the system a  blank floppy as di-
          rected. Make  sure  the floppy  isn't  write-protected, as  the
          software will format and  write it. Mark this the  [quot  ]Cus-
          tom Boot[quot  ] floppy  and write-protect it once it  has been

          7.18.  The Moment of Truth

          This is what  electrical engineers call  the smoke test  - what
          happens when you turn on  a new system for the first  time. Re-
          move the floppy disk from the floppy drive,  and select the Re-
          boot the System  menu item. If  the Linux system  doesn't start

          up, insert the  Custom Boot floppy  you created and  reset your
          system. Linux should boot. You should see  the same messages as
          when you  first booted the  installation boot floppy,  followed
          by some new messages.

          7.19.  Set the Root Password

          This is the password for the super-user,  a login that bypasses
          all security protection on your system. It  should only be used
          to perform system administration, and only for  as short a time
          as possible. Do not  use root as your personal login.  You will
          be prompted  to create  a personal  login as  well, and  that's
          the one you should  use to send and receive e-mail  and perform
          most of your work - not root. The reason  to avoid using root's

          privileges is that you might be tricked  into running a Trojan-
          horse program - that is a program that  takes advantage of your
          super-user power to compromise the security of  your system be-
          hind your  back. Any  good book on  Unix system  administration
          will cover this topic in more detail -  consider reading one if
          it's new to you. The  good news is that Linux is  probably more
          secure than other operating  systems you might run on  your PC.
          DOS and  Windows,  for example,  give  all programs  super-user
          privileges. That's one  reason that they  have been so  plagued


                                      - 28 -

          by viruses.

          All of  the passwords  you create  should contain from  6 to  8
          characters, and should contain both upper  and lower-case char-
          acters, as well as punctuation characters.

          Once you've added both  logins, you'll be dropped into  the ds-
          elect program.  The Dselect  Tutorial is  required reading  be-
          fore you run dselect. Dselect allows you  to select packages to
          be installed on your system. If you have a  CD-ROM or hard disk
          containing the additional Debian packages that you  want to in-

          stall on  your system, or  you are  connected to the  Internet,
          this will be useful to you right away.  Otherwise, you may want
          to quit dselect  and start it  later, once you  have transport-
          ed the  Debian package files  to your system.  You must be  the
          super-user (root) when you run dselect.

          7.20.  Log In

          After you've quit dselect,  you'll be presented with  the login
          prompt.  Log in using  the personal login and password  you se-
          lected. Your system is now ready to use.

          7.21.  Setting up PPP

          NOTE: In case  you are installing  from CD-ROM and/or  are con-
          nected directly to the  network, you can safely skip  this sec-

          The base system includes a full PPP  package.  This package al-
          lows you to connect to your ISP using PPP.   Below are some ba-

          sic instructions for setting up your ppp  connection.  The boot
          disks contain a  program called pppconfig  which will help  you
          set up PPP.   However, if it does  not work for you,  see below
          for detailed instructions.

          In order  to  setup PPP,  you'll  need to  know  the basics  of
          file viewing and editing  in Linux.  To view files,  you should
          use more,  and zmore  for compressed  files with  a .gz  exten-
          sion.   For  example,  to  view  README.debian.gz,  type  zmore
          README.debian.gz. Less  is a  superior paging  program, but  it
          does not  come with the  base system.   You should install  the
          less package as  soon as you can.   The only editor  that comes

          with the  base system is  ae, which  also poses  as vi.  It  is
          very simple to use, but  does not have a lot of  features.  You
          will be able to choose from a great number  of editors once you
          get into dselect.

          Edit  /etc/ppp/peers/provider  and  replace  '/dev/modem'  with
          '/dev/ttyS[num   ]'  where [num    ] stands for  the number  of


                                      - 29 -

          your COM port. Please remember that in  Linux, the count starts
          from 0,  so COM1 is  /dev/ttyS0 under Linux.  The next step  is
          to edit  /etc/chatscripts/provider and  insert your  provider's
          phone number, your username and password. Please  do not delete
          the '\q'  that precedes  the  password. It  hides the  password
          from appearing in your log files.

          Many providers use  PAP or CHAP  for login sequence  instead of
          textmode authentication.   Others use  both.  If your  provider

          requires PAP or  CHAP, you'll need  to follow a  different pro-
          cedure.  Comment out  everything below the dialing  string (the
          one that starts  with ATDT) in  /etc/chatscripts/provider, mod-
          ify /etc/ppp/peers/provider as  described above, and  add "user
          username" (no quotes)  where username stands for  your username
          for the  provider you  are trying  to connect  to.  Next,  edit
          /etc/pap-secrets  or /etc/chap-secrets  and  enter  your  pass-
          word there.

          You  will also  need  to  edit /etc/resolv.conf  and  add  your
          provider's  name  server (DNS)  IP  addresses.   The  lines  in
          /etc/resolv.conf are in the following format:


          where x's stand for numbers in your IP address.

          Unless your provider  has a login  sequence different than  the

          majority of  ISPs you  are done!  Start the  PPP connection  by
          typing pon,  and monitor  the  process using  plog command.  To
          disconnect, use poff.

          8.  Technical Information on the Boot Floppies

          8.1.  Source Code

          The [quot  ]boot-floppies[quot   ] package contains all  of the
          source code for the installation floppies.

          8.2.  The Rescue Floppy

          The Rescue  Floppy has  an  MS-DOS filesystem,  and you  should
          be able to access it  from a DOS or Windows system  or anything
          else that can mount DOS disks. The Linux kernel  is in the file
          [quot  ]linux[quot  ].  The file root.bin is  a gzip-compressed
          disk image of  a 1.44 MB Minix  filesystem, and will  be loaded
          into the RAM disk and used as the root filesystem.


                                      - 30 -

          8.3.  Replacing the Kernel

          If you find  it necessary to replace  the kernel on  the Rescue
          Floppy, you must configure your new kernel  with these features
          linked in, not in loadable modules:

          o  Initial RAM disk.
          o  MSDOS, Minix, and EXT2 filesystems.
          o  ELF executables.

          Copy  your  new  kernel  to  the  file  [quot   ]linux[quot   ]
          on the  Rescue  Floppy, and  then run  the  shell script  [quot
          ][quot  ] that you'll find on the floppy.

          8.4.  The Base Floppies

          The base floppies contain a 512-byte header  followed by a por-
          tion of  a gzip-compressed tar  archive. If  you strip off  the

          headers and  then concatenate  the contents of  the base  flop-
          pies, the  result should  be  the compressed  tar archive.  The
          archive contains  the base  system  that will  be installed  on
          your hard  disk. Once this  archive is  installed, you must  go
          through the Configure the Base System menu  item in the instal-
          lation system  and other  menu items to  configure the  network
          and install the operating system kernel and  modules before the
          system will be usable.

          9.  Copyright of This Document

          Copyright 1996 Bruce Perens; 1996, 1997 Sven
          Rudolph, 1998 Igor Grobman <, James Treacy

          Adam P. Harris <>.

          This document  may be distributed  under the  terms of the  GNU
          General Public License.

          10.  Trademark Acknowledgement

          Trademarks that  are not explicitly  acknowledged here are  the
          property of  their respective  holders. 386,  386sx, 486,  Pen-
          tium, Pentium  Pro and Pentium  II are  the property of  Intel.
          Windows, Window95, WindowsNT,  and WinModem are a  trademark of
          Microsoft. ThinkPad and OS/2 are the property of IBM.