% ====================================================================== % manifest.txt % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2005-2009 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % manifest.txt % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2005-2009 % % Dieses Werk darf nach den Bedingungen der LaTeX Project Public Lizenz, % Version 1.3c, verteilt und/oder veraendert werden. % Die neuste Version dieser Lizenz ist % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % und Version 1.3c ist Teil aller Verteilungen von LaTeX % Version 2005/12/01 oder spaeter und dieses Werks. % % Dieses Werk hat den LPPL-Verwaltungs-Status "author-maintained" % (allein durch den Autor verwaltet). % % Der Aktuelle Verwalter und Autor dieses Werkes ist Markus Kohm. % % Dieses Werk besteht aus den in manifest.txt aufgefuehrten Dateien. % ====================================================================== % % CONTENTS OF THE KOMA-SCRIPT RELEASE 2011/06/16 v3.09a % ------------------------------------------------------ % % % Documentation: % -------------- % % README - The distribution guide. START BY READING THIS FILE! % Informationen zur Verteilung. DIESE DATEI ZUERST LESEN! % manifest.txt - This file % % INSTALL.txt - English installation guide % INSTALLD.txt - Deutsche Installationsanleitung % % lppl.txt - Licence informations % lppl-de.txt - Deutsche Uebersetzung der Lizenzbestimmungen. Diese ist % in allen Laendern oder Staaten mit Deutsch als % zulaessiger Amtssprache bindend. % % scrsource.tex - File to produce the KOMA-Script implementation % documentation % % komabug.tex - Interactive LaTeX document to generate bug reports % % doc/ - Directory with all the documentation % Makefile - Gnu make's makefile for the user guides % Makefile.guide - Used by Makefile % Makefile.latexinit % - Used by Makefile % guide.tex - Source main file of the user guides % guide.bib - Bibliography database of the user guides % plength.dtx - Source of Metapost figures used by the user guides % scrguide.cls - Class used by the user guides % scrguide.gst - MakeIndex style for the glossary of the user guides % scrguide.ist - MakeIndex style for the index of the user guides % % koma-script.html - Wrapper to the user guides % komascript.html - Wrapper to the user guides % komascr.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scraddr.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrartcl.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrbase.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrbook.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrdate.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrlfile.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrlttr2.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrpage2.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrreprt.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrtime.html - Wrapper to the user guides % tocbasic.html - Wrapper to the user guides % typearea.html - Wrapper to the user guides % % scrguien.pdf - English user guide % scrguien.html - HTML index of the english user guide % % scrguide.pdf - Deutsche Anleitung % scrguide.html - HTML-Index fuer die deutsche Anleitung % % bin/ % genhtmlidx.pl - Perl script for HTML index generation % genindex.pl - Perl script to split the index % % english/ - Directory with the source of the english user guide % adrconvnote.tex - Source of the chapter about adrconv at the english % user guide % guide-english.tex % - Terms for the english user guide % htmlsetup - Terms for the html index of the english user guide % introduction.tex - Source of introduction chapter at the english user % guide % japanlco.tex - Source of the appendix about Japanese letters % scraddr.tex - Source of the chapter about scraddr at the english % user guide % scrbookreportarticle.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrbook, scrreprt, and % scrartcl at the english user guide % scrdatetime.tex - Source of the chapter about scrdate and scrtime at % the english user guide % scrlfile.tex - Source of the chapter about scrlfile at the english % user guide % scrlttr2.tex - Source of the chapter about scrlttr2 at the english % user guide % scrpage2.tex - Source of the chapter about scrpage2 at the english % user guide % typearea.tex - Source of the chapter about typearea at the english % user guide % % ngerman/ - Verzeichnis mit der deutschen Anleitung % adrconvnote.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber adrconv in der deutschen % Anleitung % authorpart.tex - Vorspann von Teil I % common-0.tex ... common-15.tex % - Passagen, die in verschiedenen Kapiteln vorkommen % expertpart.tex - Vorspann von Teil II % guide-ngerman.tex % - Begriffe fuer die deutsche Anleitung % guide.tex - abweichendes Rahmendokument fuer die deutsche Anleitung % htmlsetup - Begriffe fuer den HTML-Index fuer die deutsche Anleitung % introduction.tex - Quellen des Einleitungskapitels der deutschen Anleitung % linkalias.tex - Alias-Definitionen fuer Links der freien Anleitung % preface.tex - Vorwort zu KOMA-Script 3 % scraddr.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scraddr in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrbase.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrbase in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrbookreportarticle.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrbook, scrreprt und % scrartcl in Teil I der deutschen Anleitung % scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrbook, scrreprt und % scrartcl in Teil II der deutschen Anleitung % scrdatetime.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrdate und scrtime in der % deutschen Anleitung % scrextend.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrextend in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrlfile.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlfile in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrlttr2examples.dtx % - Quellen der Beispielbriefe % scrlttr2.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlttr2 in Teil I der % deutschen Anleitung % scrlttr2-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlttr2 in Teil II der % deutschen Anleitung % scrpage2.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrpage2 in der deutschen % Anleitung % tocbasic.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber tocbasic in der deutschen % Anleitung % typearea.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber typearea in Teil I der % deutschen Anleitung % typearea-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber typearea in Teil II der % deutschen Anleitung % % % KOMA-Script Source Files: % ------------------------- % % Makefile - Makefile for gnu make (needed by developers) % Makefile.baseinit - Used by Makefile and Makefiles at subdirectories % Makefile.baserules - Used by Makefile and Makefiles at subdirectories % Makefile.cfg - Optional configuration file for make % % scrdoc.dtx - Class used by the KOMA-Script dtx files % scrbeta.dtx - Betainformation for all classes and packages % scrkbase.dtx - KOMA-Script kernel base % scrkbib.dtx - KOMA-Script bibliography part of the classes % scrkfloa.dtx - KOMA-Script float part of the classes % scrkfont.dtx - KOMA-Script font part of the classes % scrkftn.dtx - KOMA-Script footnote part of the classes % scrkidx.dtx - KOMA-Script index part of the classes % scrklang.dtx - KOMA-Script language part of the classes and packages % scrkliof.dtx - KOMA-Script list of ... part of the classes % scrklist.dtx - KOMA-Script lists part of the classes % scrkmisc.dtx - KOMA-Script other parts of the classes % scrkpage.dtx - KOMA-Script pagestyle part of the classes % scrkpar.dtx - KOMA-Script paragraph setting part of the classes % scrksect.dtx - KOMA-Script sectioning part of the classes % scrktare.dtx - KOMA-Script typearea part of the classes and package % scrktitl.dtx - KOMA-Script title part of the classes % scrkvers.dtx - KOMA-Script version part of the classes and packages % scrkcile.dtx - KOMA-Script circular letter part % scrkcomp.dtx - KOMA-Script compatibility modes of the classes % scrklco.dtx - KOMA-Script letter class option part % japanlco.dtx - KOMA-Script letter class options for Japanese letters % scrknpap.dtx - KOMA-Script note paper part of scrlttr2 % scrkplen.dtx - KOMA-Script pseudo length part of scrlttr2 % scrkvars.dtx - KOMA-Script variables part of scrlttr2 % scrlogo.dtx - KOMA-Script logo for all classes and packages % scrhack.dtx - KOMA-Script hacking other packages % % scrextend.dtx - KOMA-Script extensions package % % tocbasic.dtx - KOMA-Script toc-file package % % scrlettr.dtx - KOMA-Script obsolete letter class % % scrpage.dtx - KOMA-Script page style packages % % scrlfile.dtx - KOMA-Script load file package % % scraddr.dtx - KOMA-Script scraddr package % % scrtime.dtx - KOMA-Script time and date package % % % Installation scripts for the various parts: % ------------------------------------------- % % scrmain.ins - Installation script for the main classes and packages % scrlfile.ins - Installation script for the load file package % scrlettr.ins - Installation script for the obsolete letter class % scraddr.ins - Installation script for the address package % scrpage.ins - Installation script for the page style packages % scrstrip.inc - Include file at the begin of all installation scripts % scrstrop.inc - incldue file at the end of all installation scripts % % ============================================================================ % % The following is a machine readable list of all needed files. % The directories of the files scrguien.pdf, scrguien.html, scrguide.pdf and % scrguide.html may be changed. % README manifest.txt INSTALL.txt INSTALLD.txt lppl.txt lppl-de.txt scrsource.tex komabug.tex doc/Makefile doc/Makefile.guide doc/Makefile.latexinit doc/guide.tex doc/guide.bib doc/plength.dtx doc/scrguide.cls doc/scrguide.gst doc/scrguide.ist doc/scrguien.pdf doc/scrguien.html doc/scrguide.pdf doc/scrguide.html doc/koma-script.html doc/komascript.html doc/komascr.html doc/scraddr.html doc/scrartcl.html doc/scrbook.html doc/scrdate.html doc/scrlfile.html doc/scrlttr2.html doc/scrpage2.html doc/scrreprt.html doc/scrtime.html doc/typearea.html doc/tocbasic.html doc/scrbase.html doc/bin/genhtmlidx.pl doc/bin/genindex.pl doc/english/adrconvnote.tex doc/english/guide-english.tex doc/english/htmlsetup doc/english/introduction.tex doc/english/japanlco.tex doc/english/scraddr.tex doc/english/scrbookreportarticle.tex doc/english/scrdatetime.tex doc/english/scrlfile.tex doc/english/scrlttr2.tex doc/english/scrpage2.tex doc/english/typearea.tex doc/ngerman/adrconvnote.tex doc/ngerman/authorpart.tex doc/ngerman/common-0.tex doc/ngerman/common-1.tex doc/ngerman/common-2.tex doc/ngerman/common-3.tex doc/ngerman/common-4.tex doc/ngerman/common-5.tex doc/ngerman/common-6.tex doc/ngerman/common-7.tex doc/ngerman/common-8.tex doc/ngerman/common-9.tex doc/ngerman/common-10.tex doc/ngerman/common-11.tex doc/ngerman/common-12.tex doc/ngerman/common-13.tex doc/ngerman/common-14.tex doc/ngerman/common-15.tex doc/ngerman/expertpart.tex doc/ngerman/guide-ngerman.tex doc/ngerman/guide.tex doc/ngerman/htmlsetup doc/ngerman/introduction.tex doc/ngerman/linkalias.tex doc/ngerman/preface.tex doc/ngerman/scraddr.tex doc/ngerman/scrbase.tex doc/ngerman/scrbookreportarticle.tex doc/ngerman/scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex doc/ngerman/scrdatetime.tex doc/ngerman/scrlfile.tex doc/ngerman/scrlttr2examples.dtx doc/ngerman/scrlttr2.tex doc/ngerman/scrlttr2-experts.tex doc/ngerman/scrpage2.tex doc/ngerman/tocbasic.tex doc/ngerman/typearea.tex doc/ngerman/typearea-experts.tex Makefile Makefile.baseinit Makefile.baserules scrdoc.dtx scrbeta.dtx scrkbase.dtx scrkbib.dtx scrkfloa.dtx scrkfont.dtx scrkftn.dtx scrkidx.dtx scrklang.dtx scrkliof.dtx scrklist.dtx scrkmisc.dtx scrkpage.dtx scrkpar.dtx scrksect.dtx scrktare.dtx scrktitl.dtx scrkvers.dtx scrkcile.dtx scrkcomp.dtx scrklco.dtx japanlco.dtx scrknpap.dtx scrkplen.dtx scrkvars.dtx scrlogo.dtx scrhack.dtx scrextend.dtx tocbasic.dtx scrlettr.dtx scrpage.dtx scrlfile.dtx scraddr.dtx scrtime.dtx scrmain.ins scrlfile.ins scrlettr.ins scraddr.ins scrpage.ins scrstrip.inc scrstrop.inc